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It stands to reason then that no one style of worship has universal appeal among us.
Some worship services are formal, with a sense of decorum and a devotional atmosphere.
Other services are marked by applause, a pulpit-pew dialogue, familiar banter, and maybe even some humor.  

Whatever the style, Unitarian Universalist services are rooted in our living tradition,

which invites the individual to worship within the community.

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Sunday Services - 11:00am


We gather weekly for inspiration, reflection, connection, and religious education.

Each Sunday morning we shape and define what is of value and worth to us, and we sing, meditate, and share our lives with one another. Our services focus on topics of spiritual, social and current concerns. Our Worship is designed to meet the diversity of spiritual paths that are embraced within Unitarian Universalism. Sunday mornings offer a celebration of community, an intellectual challenge, and a deepening of the heart.

Our Sunday Services are varied and unique

​To inquire about any of our services

After Service Social Chat

While we meet on Zoom, we often stay online to socialize, discuss the day's service, and just generally exchange news and views. 
Grab a cup of coffee, tea, r whatever, and join!

Holidays and Special Services


Unitarian Universalism celebrates theological diversity.  The sources of our faith include aspects of Jewish and Christian traditions, Humanist teachings, and teachings from earth-centered traditions. The holiday celebrations in Unitarian Universalist congregations reflect this diversity.

Many Unitarian Universalists and their congregations celebrate Christian holidays like Christmas, Jewish holidays like Passover, Kwanzaa and Pagan Winter Solstice, Martin Luther King Day, and United Nations Sunday, among others. 

In addition to religious holidays, many Unitarian Universalists and their congregations also honor secular holidays


                                                                                         2810 Griffin Road
                                                                              Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33312




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