Investment Philosophy of the
Endowment Fund
at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fort Lauderdale (UUCFL)
Adopted 11/3/96
As Endowment Trustees, we recognize our fiduciary responsibility and consider safety a key factor in managing our investments.
We shall avoid investment instruments such as:
Commodities Real Estate
Limited Partnerships
We look for a return equaling 5% of our total assets in dividends and interest. We plan to give this money away.
In addition, we look for capital appreciation that will keep the fund value ahead of inflation and provide for some growth.
We shall seek out investments that are either "neutral" or mesh with our own interpretation of "Social Responsibility."
We may avoid investments with more than a 10% interest in:
Nuclear Power Weapons of War
We may avoid investments that have a documented negative impact upon: Our Environment
Personnel Policy
Gay, Lesbian, Transgender or Bisexuals
Emerging Nations
Community Relations
We may invest in organizations that do good works, like our past CD with the South Shore Bank of Chicago that grants loans in "red- lined' neighborhoods.
For guidance in such "socially responsible investing," we may reference:
"Investing for Justice, Socially Responsible Investments for Unitarian Universalist Congregations," by David E. Provost & William J. Gardiner
of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
Another reference is Ethical Investing by Amy L. Domini and Peter D. Kinder, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1986.
We welcome the suggestion of investments that we might find to be
"socially responsible."