Policies Resolution of Unitarian Universalist Church of Fort Lauderdale (UUCFL)
Endowment Fund, Inc.
As adopted February 7, 1988,
and amended August 21 & November 27, 1988.
Re-affirmed May 20, 1990, April 5, 1992, May 17, 1992,
September 19, 1993.
Amended May 1, 1994.
Affirmed October 8, 1995.
Amended May 5, 1996, June 1, 2003, and October 12, 2003.
1. The Board of Trustees of the UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF FORT LAUDERDALE ENDOWMENT FUND, INC., shall adopt by majority vote policies to serve as guidelines for the operation of this corporation. These policies shall be reviewed by the Trustees following the Annual Meeting each year.
2. This corporation shall maintain an Endowment Fund, the net income from which shall be returned to the church every year, and a Donor Advised Fund, which may, at the discretion of the Trustees, receive and distribute gifts for specific purposes as recommended by individual donors.
3. The Trustees shall manage The Thelma Daniel / Annete Van Howe Social Justice Fund, the income and principle from which shall be given to further worthy social causes.
4. The Trustees shall administer plaque requests, purchases, money, and acknowledgements for gifts related to the Memorial Wall. We offer plaques for $250.00.
5. This corporation is exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is not a private foundation because we are a public charity as described in sections 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) and 509(a)(1). Donors may deduct gifts and bequests given directly to the Fund.
6. The first duty of the Trustees shall be the preservation of the Fund's assets. Potential donors are to be assured that money donated shall remain as "seed money" and that only the earnings, less expenses, shall be turned over to the church. An annual audit shall be conducted by a non-Trustee, and all financial accounts shall be double signature.
7. All requests for a Deferred Giving arrangement shall be referred to the U.U.A. for their advice.
8. The Fund shall file in a timely manner the required Corporation Annual report with the Florida Department of State and maintain such corporate records for five years as satisfy section 607.157 of the Florida General Corporation Act.
9. Acceptance by a Fund Trustee of a position on the Board of Trustees of the UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA, INC., shall constitute a resignation from the Board of the Fund.
10. The Fund holds a single Life Membership at UU in the Pines; this membership to be used by a Trustee or designated church member. Proposed:
11. The Fund shall rent a safe deposit box for the storage of valuable documents.
12. The Fund shall establish and review annually an Investment Philosophy.
13. The Fund shall maintain a brokerage account for the purpose of receiving gifts of securities.
14. The Fund maintains a Qualified Donors List of 501(c)(3) organizations previously approved in writing by the Church Board to be authorized to receive grants/gifts directly from the Fund.
15. The Fund Trustees shall arrange an internal audit of their books using a non-Trustee. Starting with the Fund's annual financial report, the review will address two questions: "Is the money there?" and "Is the report accurate?"
16. The Fund shall have a mechanical corporate seal that shall be stored in the Church office.